How it was born
The yeast
Our company is famous for its yeast "Lievito Giordano". It was born in 1925 with an ancient recipe composed of: classic cream of tartar, bicarbonate of
sodium and a mixture of citrus fruits
natural; making this yeast special ed
irreplaceable for all types of homemade desserts
home, so much so that it is still the most
requested in our area.
How it was born
The pasta
Our pasta is produced by hand respecting all the rules of the ancient pasta makers including that of drying at room temperature (very low), as happened one hundred years ago. This ancient method guarantees that the proteins, vitamins, mineral salts and more, including the aroma and characteristic flavor of the particular durum wheat semolina, are not altered as in large industrial processes where drying takes place in tunnels. Csure it is that, when looking at a pasta like "Giordano", even the layman's eye realizes that it is a different product
from others. The real answer, however, is on your plate!